Pel left his order after witnessing injustice, and now contemplates his future. However, when an unusual young woman comes into the same tavern he’...

Paladin of the State: Origins

Pel left his order after witnessing injustice, and now contemplates his future. However, when an unusual young woman comes into the same tavern he’s staying at, their destinies become entangled. Dzokaya is seeking revenge for her parents’ murder, and she suspects the storm is somehow connected to their deaths. Intrigued and wanting to help, Pel...

Jordan E. Kristofer
Jordan E. Kristofer

Growing up on Long Island in the 90's, Jordan spent most of his time outside playing the hero in imaginary fights with sticks as swords. From an early age, Star Wars' Jedi, Zorro, and Errol Flynn's Robin Hood served as inspirations for stories and LARPing. His fascination with swordsmanship expanded as he got his first sword -- a stage combat rapier -- in high school, catapulting his zeal for the hobby. These were like kindling to Jordan's bonfire-like zeal for storytelling and the Imagination. He's created and destroyed many fantasy worlds over the course of thirty-plus years, harvesting them for parts until he finally settled upon one he was satisfied with.

Being someone who always tries to see the glass half full, Jordan endeavored to start a grimbright/noblebright pulp fantasy series, which took the form of the Paladin of the State series. 
